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Kendall Breeze West

Homeowners Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting of the Association



1. Call to Order


2. Determination of Quorum


3. Regulations of the Meeting:

    a. Business of the Association is discussed by the BOD only; any comments or     suggestions by the homeowners will be addressed at the end of the meeting in open forum.


4. Approval of the previous meeting minutes


5. Business of the Association

    a. Old Business

  1. Security – Complaints, Post Orders, Reports & Overnight Parking Passes

  2. Proposal – Colors for Chairs, Lounges, Tables and Umbrellas

  3. New Phone Line to install Door King Software at BL Office or New System

  4. Violations and Violation Committee

  5. FPL Rep – Lighting Poles – Option #2 - Update

  6. Landscaping – Proposals to replace Royal Palms - Update

  7. Front Yards – Tree Permits – Update

  8. Proposal – New Pool Company - Update

  9. 2020 Budget - Update

  10. Aldi/Wawa Construction – Plants/Wall – Sink Hole - Update

  11. Potential/Future Projects 2018/2019 / Social Area Project – Playground Project – on hold

  12. Application to Lease/Sales Process – New system - Update

  13. Office Computer and Hard Drive – Update on Hard Drive

  14. Cat Company - Update


    b. New Business

  1. KBW Website – Update

  2. KBW Cameras/DVR - Update

  3. Attorney Legal Status Report

  4. FSR Management Report

  5. Notary

  6. Selection of new positions by BOD


6. Open Forum

    a. Each homeowner will be allotted 5 minutes max


7. Adjournmen

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